
Elevate your finances with Money Groom; a safe way to trade in options, positions, fixtures, and shorts. Your money grows and earns dividends through our carefully selected and diverse trading activities leveraging our proprietary algorithm.

Our in-house expert trades for you

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About us

Money Groom (BxTrade) is a trading portfolio which hosts sub-portfolios that specializes in hedging, pair-trading, and arbitrage strategy. Money Groom is managed by GDI Innovations Limited; an arm dedicated to online trading. BxTrade is safeguarded by our Capital Guarantee, which means you never lose your capital with us.

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Capital Guarantee

We are confident in our flawless history of capital retention, with proven business growth strategies that ensure every day holds promise. GDI Innovations Limited ensures 90% of your capital is secured through comprehensive protection and insurance. Any discrepancies that arise are absorbed by the company.
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Our Core


Through our comprehensive research methodology, driven by proprietary business science, we identify the best markets for safe trading.


We utilize our algorithm to determine the most appropriate trade for each market and predict the possible outcomes.

We don't trade the uncertain.


We meticulously trade on your behalf and update your wallet dashboard in real time.
<,br> Our success rate is high because our methods are trustworthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. As at January 6th, 2025 we introduced the daily trading, while the weekly trading has been running since 2023.

Dividends are profits shared with members every trading Monday. They are calculated as: Dividends = Profit - Commission. To ensure complete transparency, after trading for the week, the entire outcome is displayed on your trading wallet. We then take out 20% of the profit as commission for trading on your behalf.

Yes! Please email a withdrawal request from your registered email to [email protected] at least one working day before the next trading Monday.

Trading Mondays are designated for trading activities. Breaks may occur on some Mondays; notifications will be posted on our homepage and emailed to members.

You can invest right away.

Weekly: Investments must be received in our bank account or through our website latest on Sunday by 6pm preceding any trading Monday. Late investments are processed the following trading Monday.

Daily: Investments made today will start trading the next day and end at midnight of the day it traded.

Yes. The system gives you the options to withdraw the dividend from your wallet or reinvest it, i.e. move the dividends to your trading balance.

Yes. We have integrated an online payment platform to securely pay in and withdraw your dividends.

Yes. The bonus is calculated by our system and it ranges from 1% to 10% of the initial (first) investment of your referrer. This is credited to your wallet once we process the deposit from your referrer.

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