TERMS AND CONDITIONS for Money Groom (BxTrade)


1. Our algorithm guarantees a 75% chance of trading success.

2. Your capital is secured up to 90% of your invested capital. This means you cannot lose more than 10% of your investment; if this occurs, MoneyGroom will cover the difference.

3. Earn dividends every Monday based on the guarantees in points 1 and 2.

Daily Trading Options

1. By choosing daily trading options, you authorize us to stake the best available choices on any trading day. If uncertainties are high, we will refrain from trading that day.

2. Your success rate in daily trading is set at 40%.

3. Your capital is secured up to 60% of your investment in a single trade.

4. Daily trading options are expanded to more markets, which can lead to either higher profits or losses, making the risks greater than in weekly trading.

5. Returns and dividends from daily trading are paid daily, in accordance with points 1 through 4.


1. Acceptance of Terms
These Terms and Conditions govern your relationship with BxTrade, a portfolio under GDI Innovations Limited and MoneyGroom. By engaging with BxTrade's services, you agree to abide by all of the terms specified herein.

2. Portfolio Management (Private Investors/Stakeholders Only)
2.1. Investment Structure
- Your investment will be converted into a portfolio.
- Each additional investment represents a new portfolio with a unique identification number.
- Portfolios may consist of multiple financial options agreed upon at the initial investment stage.

2.2. Profit Sharing
- Gross profits will be distributed at the end of the agreed term usually every trading Monday, with investors receiving 80% and BxTrade retaining 20% of the profits.
- The 20% allocation covers intellectual property rights and system enhancements.
- Profit sharing only applies to profitable earnings.

3. Liquidity and Withdrawal
3.1. Investment liquidations are permissible on Mondays, given a minimum one-day prior notice.
3.2. If the term's end is not due but withdrawal is requested, profits will be retained by BxTrade.
3.3. Investments must be finalized before 6pm on Sundays, marking the start of the investment period from the next trading Monday.

4. Access and Communication
4.1. For portfolio (elite) investors, access to your portfolio worksheet is granted once per investment term.
4.2. Additional terms and arrangements will be conveyed by the author of Mirep science or authorized assignees. Learn more at MRP.

5. Risks and Disclaimers
5.1. Trading involves inherent risks that may impact your capital. BxTrade, operational since 2023, has evolved its risk management into a capital guarantee mechanism.

6. Past Performance
6.1. BxTrade has a track record of generating sustainable profits for over one year.

Your engagement implies understanding and acceptance of the above terms. For any queries or clarifications, please contact our support team.

By participating, you acknowledge the risks and confirm your understanding of these Terms and Conditions.